Updates to
Ski Tours in Southern California
will be placed here as I learn about them.
If you have a suggestion, correction, or update
please use this comment form.
Thanks for your feedback.
- Dan
Second Printing (updates since January 2002)
- p. 44: the Cracker Barrel Restaurant is defunct.
I recommend the Los Pinos Mexican Restaurant, 133 Frazier Mountain Park Rd, Lebec.
It's located north west of I-5 and FM Park Rd. (661) 248-1148.
- p. 44.
Bruce Fisher reports that several agencies that rent cabins at Pine Mountain Club, some for just one or two nights and some are pet-friendly.
- p. 78: the ski trail names have changed. The chair numbers remain the same.
See the ski map at
for current ski trail names.
- pp. 141-142 (BB6). Bruce Fisher reports that
"it is no longer possible to get to Pine Knot Campground from
Snow Summit; Bristlecone is blocked off.
You have to go out of your way to the east;
down Switzerland, right on Cedar,
and park just short of the Marine site.
There is a locked gate a bit east and you can access the campground."
- pp. 149-150. The Onyx Peak Road may be plowed
to allow service access to the microwave communication towers at Onyx Peak.
First Printing (January 2001 - December 2001 updates)
The following updates apply to the first printing (December 2000).
I've included all these changes in the second printing (January 2002).
- p. 2: Change the LCCN from 93-90016 to 2001-271352.
The Library of Congress, in their wisdom,
changed the number for some unknown reason.
- p. 10, last sentence in 2nd paragraph: change 67 to 68.
p. 34: insert the graphic "Little Gem Knee Bender" under the section on
"Ski Basics."
p. 38, last line: Change the Aventure Pass URL to
pp. 44, 46-48: Mt. Pinos Ski Center is now defunct.
You can now ski in the area free, although trails are no longer
groomed or marked.
pp. 44-45:
All 805 area code phone numbers are now in the 661 area code.
Frazier Ski and Pack's new phone number is (661) 245-3438.
Jennings Resort Rentals new phone number is (661) 242-6100.
pp. 62-63:
The new area code for Chilao Visitor Center, Mt. Waterman Ski Area,
Snow Crest Ski Area, and Newcomb's Ranch Inn is 626.
p. 63, first paragraph: Hill St. Café has moved to 1004 Foothill Blvd.
p. 66, second paragraph: Delete the second sentence.
The antenna has been removed.
p. 74: Under "Information," the Mountain High Ski Area
snow report is now at (800) 754-7878.
Their web page moved to http://www.mthigh.com/
p. 88: Sport Chalet moved to 5057 S. Plaza Lake, Montclair, (909) 624-1372.
p. 96: Mojava National Preserve's phone has changed to (760) 255-8800.
pp. 102:
Green Valley Lake Cross-country Ski Area is now Green Valley Nordic,
owned by Rim Nordic (909) 867-2600.
Czech Inn is defunct.
pp. 109-111, Tour SV6: the campground road is now plowed by Green Valley Nordic,
so this tour is defunct.
pp. 111 - 113:
Tours SV7 - SV9: the first 0.5 mile from Green Valley campground to
Summit Meadow is now plowed by Green Valley Nordic, so the length of these
tours are now reduced by 1.0 mile and 200' less elevation gain.
p. 113 & p. 117: Road 2N13D (Crafts Peak Rd.) has been renumbered
by the Forest Service; it is now Road 2N19A.
p. 124: The Snow Summit snow report is now at (888) 786-6481
and Bear Mountain is now at (888) 232-7686.
p. 125: Cedar Lake Nordic Center, Caribou Creek Tours, and Challenge by Choice
are defunct.
pp. 130-134: Replace "Van Dunsen" with "Van Dusen".
pp. 147: The San Gorgonio Wilderness Association web page moved to
p. 155, 3rd paragraph: Replace "Forest Service Station Heart Bar sign" with
"Camp Heart Bar sign."
p. 171, text box: add the following to the last paragraph:
formal background then in alpine skiing technique and, therefore, they
descended in a series of traverses across the fall line with intermittent
attempts at snowplowing.
p. 175, next to last paragraph: change area code "(909)" to "(760)."
Change $15 to $20.80.
The tram now has a webpage at http://www.pstramway.com/
p. 175, last paragraph: change "(760) 327-6002" to "(888) 515-8726"
p. 185, 3rd sentence: change "Cauilla" to "Cahuilla"
Skier's Caution!
Skiing can be dangerous!
This book isn't a substitute for your own common sense.
Don't use this book unless you are willing to take personal responsibility for your own safety.
When skiing, be aware of hazards from inclement weather, ice, and hidden obstacles (such as holes, trees, streams, and rocks).
Prepare yourself--bring proper gear, be fit, and obtain sufficient training and experience appropriate for the ski tour.
Take part in a regular conditioning program and professional ski instruction--this will increase your enjoyment of skiing.
Nothing in this book grants the right to trespass over private land.
2000-2010 Daniel E. Anderson. All rights reserved.